This photo of Soquel looks like New England! What happened to all the Spanish-Mexican-Catholic stuff? When and how did the Protestants take over? What the hell happened?
Beginnings to the 1880s
Think that Local History is Just Pioneers and Old Builidings?
Come hear the stories they'd rather you didn't know…
This is the class you've heard so much about! Hasn't been taught in 7 years!
The History Dude Coming out of Retirement and Teaching it Once Last Time!
The History of the Monterey Bay Region Warts and All
8 Friday Evenings 6:30 – 10:00 PM
3 Saturday field trips – Feb. 21; April 11; April 25
January 30 – May 8
Cabrillo College Aptos
It is a credit class and may be taken on any level you wish, from No Credit, to Letter Grade.
For local creds, here is Sandy Lydon on the Santa Cruz Main Beach in 1941. Check out the tan! That's a local's tan!
The Instructor – Sandy Lydon, the History Dude. Sandy is an award-winning author, teacher and television personality who has been teaching at Cabrillo College since 1968. In the past 15 years he has received the Annual Award for Teaching Excellence at Cabrillo, the Community Hero Award from the Santa Cruz County United Way, and was given the first Distinguished Historian Award from the History Forum of the Museum of Art and History, Santa Cruz.
Class Schedule
- Class #1 – Friday, January 30 – Introduction to the Region
- Class #2 – Friday, February 6 – The First People
- Class #3 - February 20 – The Spanish Period – Collaboration and Conflict
- Field Trip #1 – Sat. February 21 – Monterey
- Class #4 – March 6 – Regional Missions to Secularization
- Class #5 – March 20 – Mexican Period – Land Grants and Californios
- Class #6 - April 10 – The Culture Wars of the 1850s
- Field Trip #2 – Sat. April 11 – Missions
- Class #7 – April 24 – The 1860s – Calamities, Whale Oil and Gunpowder
- Field Trip - #3 –Saturday, April 25 – Railroads
- Class #8 - May 8 – Region is Railroaded – This is the last class.
History 25B – 1880s to the present – will be offered in a similar format Fall, 2015
Cabrillo College Main Campus, Aptos
Room 450, Forum
To Register for this Class: Go to and register for History 25A .
Auditing of this class will not be permitted.
Reminder: You can take this class at whatever level you wish, but you MUST be registered.
Questions? E-mail: